Monday, May 11, 2009


wolfram alpha

wolfram alpha Wolfram Alpha, which is due to launch later this month, is a natural search engine. It means web users can ask questions online in much the same way as they... by Stephen Shankland Wolfram Alpha is like a cross between a research library, a graphing calculator, and a search engine. But does Wolfram Research's... Mathematica founder Stephen Wolfram made an appearance at Harvard on Tuesday to provide more details on Wolfram Alpha, an upcoming search engine that aims..
by David Talbot Last week, as physicist Stephen Wolfram was demonstrating his new Web-based "computation engine"–Wolfram Alpha–to the public,... When it was first unveiled in March, Wolfram Alpha, a new type of search engine created by computer scientist Stephen Wolfram, got a lot of buzz.... Wolfram Alpha has high expectations. Google launches a publisher center for Ad Planner. Google tests "review this site" link in the search results.... Whether intentionally or not, Wolfram Alpha has suddenly brought the idea of an accurate, computerized question answering service into the consciousness of... (Of course, I had similar issues with Angel suddenly deciding to go work for Wolfram & Hart — in another Tim Minear-written episode, and that turned into a... I just finished participating in a Web seminar by Stephen Wolfram about his upcoming Wolfram|Alpha search engine.. Wolfram Alpha has shaken me to my... Wolfram—the magical search engine that will chann el all kinds of data to give you coherent answers—is almost here. You can't access it yet, but you can see... Wolfram Alpha launch date set - Google rival to go live within days.I got the opportunity a couple days ago to get a demo of Wolfram Alpha from Stephen Wolfram himself. It's an impressive thing, and I can sympathize a bit with them on the overblown publicity. Wolfram said that they didn't expect the... There has been a lot of buzz recently about Wolfram's new product, the Wolfram Alpha (WA). After attending a webinar on WA, I was given a preview account, and started messing around with it. In case you were wondering,... New search engine Wolfram Alpha is set to revolutionise the way users pull together information across the net.Is Wolfram Alpha better or just different? Stephan Wolfram's Alpha search engine is unlike anything that the search world has ever seen. Does that mean that it is better than Google or other "normal" searches, or jus t that it is... SilverMind writes in to note a blog entry at Byte Size Biology describing in detail a few hours spent with Wolfram Alpha (which we have discussed before). "After playing around with Wolfram Alpha for a few hours, I can safely say the... Stephen Wolfram is a mathematician and physict extrodanaire. And now he's start a search engine that many people think.There's always an urge to declare a major new player in search as a "Google killer" because of its unique approach to the space, its celebrated founding.CNET News editor Rafe Needleman and reporter Stephen Shankland discuss their ups and downs with the search engine that computes. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware.A Sneak Preview of Wolfram Alpha, YouTube WolframAlpha (launching soon) related items: Wolfram ... Mahalanobis - 3. May, 21:26. How your search queries can predict ... New Scientist: Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian... Launching May 2009. We're maki ng early access available to a few select individuals. Contact us for information ». Sign up for Wolfram|Alpha release news:... 5 Mar 2009... Wolfram Research will soon be releasing Wolfram|Alpha, a computational knowledge engine accessing trillions of pieces of curated data and... Stephen was kind enough to spend two hours with me last week to demo his new online service -- Wolfram Alpha (scheduled to open in May).... Editor's note: Below is a guest post from Nova Spivack, CEO of Radar Networks, about a new computational knowledge engine called Wolfram Alpha ...3 May 2009... The new system, Wolfram Alpha, showcased at Harvard University in the US... He added that to help with that Wolfram Alpha would be using... Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica, the only fully integrated... Wolfram|Alpha--Introducing the computational knowledge engine--Launching May 2009.... 8 Mar 2009... Stephen Wolfram has come up with a new and potentially revolutionary search paradigm f or finding answers via the Web.Stephen Wolfram generously gave me a two-hour demo of Wolfram Alpha last evening, and I was quite positively impressed. As he said, it's not AI,... 8 May 2009... News Analysis -- Wolfram|Alpha, a company whose product you have never used, may turn out to be Google's best friend.


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